- Our approach
Once we agree with you whom the team is and our shareholding, you take responsibility for operations and the commercial aspects of the unit. Meridian32 takes care of all of the back office aspects (see ‘’Our Suport’’). That leaves you with your most valuable resource, TIME, to discuss with our aftercare officers areas (Operational & Commercial) requiring mentoring and coaching. It is the aftercare officer’s function to be a “sounding board” for your ideas, fears & concerns and to make certain you get through the doors to deliver your commercial pitch. Among the objectives to be achieved we also have other non-financial ones, particularly in certifications and notarisation:
1. Obtain ISO certification for your activity;
2. Obtain the Made in Mozambique seal;
3. Be registered with their respective professional Order or Association;
4. Publish an opinion article every quarter;
5. Others jointly defined.
- Our values
We take on our clients' challenges and pride ourselves on delivering on our promises. We position ourselves on the highest values of ethics, honesty, integrity, transparency and mutual respect.
- Our resources
Meridian32 provides your start-up with dedicated management, as well as all the typical business centre services you will need. You will have at your disposal a management team with specialists in each area.
In addition, you will have access to office space and all available communications and technology.
- Our support
At Meridian we will take everything that is not essential out of your hands:
- Administrative services;
- Human Resources Support;
- Accounting and finance;
- Legal and statutory services;
- Information technology services;
- Logistics.